Donkey Kong

Page 1
Background Info
Moves List
-Weak Attacks
-Recovery Attacks
-Strong Attacks
-Running Attack
-Smash Attacks
-Aerial Attacks
-Special Attacks

Background Info

Donkey Kong is Mario's oldest arch nemesis. They battled each other in the classic game also called Donkey Kong. DK then became a good guy and got his own series on the SNES, where he battled crocodiles and collected bananas and coconuts. He has developed an unique atitude and has a rap song. DK is still a participant in many Mario games such as Mario Kart and Mario Party. DK and Mario still skirmish against each other in games such as Mario vs Donkey Kong.
In Smash Brothers, DK is like himself in other games: big, powerful, and slow. DK is on the extreme side of things. He is the biggest, heaviest and most powerful character, but he is also by far the slowest. DK is not easy to use, and lots of practice and experience are needed to get into his style of fighting. DK is the only character in the game that can carry barrels, crates and other people and still move. He can only walk while carrying and only has one jump.
Personal Stage: Congo Jungle
Personal Symbol: the initials "DK" in big bold letters
Entrance: DK comes out of an exploding barrel with the letter DK on it
Character choosing: DK jumps up and then shows off his muscles.

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C up: the classic DK with the brown fur and the red tie with the DK initials on the tie
C left: Whoa, DK dyed his fur blue. Whatsup with that? This is the blue team costume.
C down: Bloody DK with red fur. Didn't bother cleaning himself after eating some meat. This is the red team costume.
C right: DK with black fur and darker skin too. Looks like DK got himself a tan.
Green Team Costume (Only available in team battles): You thought the blue costume was crazy, wait until you see this one. DK with green fur and (ewww...) green skin. That's just not right. Looks like DK is sick.

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Moves List

Weak Attack

Buttons: A, A while on the ground
Damage: 4%+4%
KKT score: over 300% for the first hit
Startup: Fast
Duration: Short
Recovery: Fast
Reach: Short
Flight Path: Regular
Description: DK first jabs with his left fist then does a little uppercut with his right fist.
My Opinion: This weak combo is not very useful, but it can be used at times to get DK a little space to work with. Still don't use it unless you have to (which is pretty much never).
Rating: 1.5 out of 5

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Recovery Attack 1

Buttons: When lying back to the floor, press A
Damage: 6%
KKT score: none, constant power
Startup: Fast
Duration: Short
Recovery: Fast
Reach: Medium
Flight Path: Regular
Description: DK pulls both feet back and kicks forward and gets back on to his feet. This move hits on the other side too, but range is shorter on the other side. DK is invincible when he does this.
My Opinion: Not much to say about this really, since its your only attack option when lying on the floor facing up. Can get DK back on offense if you manage to hit an opponent. Useful for clearing people who happen to stand too close for their own good.
Rating: 2.5 out of 5

Recovery Attack 2

Buttons: When lying face down on the floor, press A
Damage: 6%
KKT score: none, constant power
Startup: Fast
Duration: Short
Recovery: Fast
Reach: Medium
Flight Path: Regular
Description: DK wakes up and uses his right to backhand swat any thing near and gets up after. DK is invincible when he does this.
My Opinion: It's DK's other recovery attack. It happen less often than the first recovery attack since most of the time victims of hard hits will lie face up.
Rating: 2.5 out of 5

Edge Attack 1

Buttons: When hanging on the edge with damage lower than 100%, press A
Damage: 6%
KKT score: none, constant power
Startup: Fast
Duration: Short
Recovery: Fast
Reach: Long
Flight Path: Regular
Description: DK pulls himself up quickly with his right hand, and rams whoever is near the edge with his big behind while putting the left hand on top of his head. DK is invincible when he does this.
My Opinion: This is one of the funniest attacks in the game. DK actually uses his butt as a weapon. Edge attacks can save lives, if you can time them. This attack can get edge guarders out of the way and therefore save DK from danger. Use it only if no one's around or the edge guarder is standing close to the edge. Experienced players will stand a bit away from the edge if you (as any character) manages to hang on to it, so you need to evaluate the situation before you use the edge attack.
Rating: 2.5 out of 5

Edge Attack 2

Buttons: When hanging on the edge with damage over 100%, press A
Damage: 6%
KKT score: none, constant power
Startup: Slow
Duration: Short
Recovery: Medium slow
Reach: Short
Flight Path: Regular
Description: DK slowly pulls himself back on to the stage, then delivers a small slap to the ankles with his right hand. DK is invincible when he does this.
My Opinion: This is worse than the low damage edge attack, but better than nothing at all. Same guidelines as above.
Rating: 2 out of 5

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Buttons: L when on the ground
Startup: Fast
Duration: Medium
Recovery: Fast
Description: DK turns to his right, puts his arms up like he's confused, and sort of burps.
My Opinion: I love this taunt. It's pretty noticeable and the burp is really loud, so your opponents can't help but hear it. It doesn't last very long like Mario's which is a good thing.
Rating: 5 out of 5. I might be slightly biased since I like to use DK.

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Big Punch

Buttons: Tilt stick sideways + A on the ground. You can tilt the control stick slightly so that the punch angles a bit up or down.
Damage: 12%
KKT score: 135%
Startup: Medium Fast
Duration: Short
Recovery: Medium
Reach: Medium long
Flight Path: Regular
Description: DK punches with his right fist.
My Opinion: For such a big guy, this is a pretty weak move. Anyways this move isn't very useful since it's weak and not all that fast.
Rating: 2.5 out of 5

Trip Slap

Buttons: Tilt stick downward + A on the ground
Damage: 8%
KKT score: 205%
Startup: Fast
Duration: Short
Recovery: Fast
Reach: Medium
Flight Path: Near flat
Description: DK crouches and tries to trip someone in front with his right hand while covering his head with the left.
My Opinion: This is also useless except for one purpose, and that is to edge guard people. This edge guarding works best against people who don't have very good recovery moves, such as Link or Falcon. This move will hit them out a little bit without giving them any altitude, just far enough so they can't come back. Doesn't work on people who have good comeback moves though.
Rating: 3 out of 5.

Overhead Hand Swat

Buttons: Tilt stick upward + A on the ground
Damage: 13%
KKT score: star finish at 97%
Startup: Medium fast
Duration: Long
Recovery: Slow
Reach: Long
Flight Path: Straight up or very close to it
Description: DK swings his left arm upwards in an arc the starts in front of him and ends behind him. Anyone hit by the back of his hand will fly straight up.
My Opinion: This is one of the strongest strong attacks in the game, and it will get a surprising number of KOs. It's a good alternative to the up smash because it is easier to time and has a much larger hit zone. It can hit in front, above and even behind DK.
Rating: 3.5 out of 5

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Running Kick

Buttons: A while running
Damage: 12%
KKT score: over 300% if it can kill
Startup: Medium
Duration: Medium
Recovery: Slow
Reach: Medium
Flight Path: Straight up or close to it
Description: DK picks his left foot up during a run and kick forward.
My Opinion: This is better than Luigi's fist of fury, but not by much. It's slow and it doesn't send people anywhere. Most of DK's power is in his arms, so guess he should put more work in his legs.
Rating: 1.5 out of 5

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Big Swat

Buttons: Smash sideways + A while on the ground.
Damage: 21%
KKT score: 63% (Note: this is tested using the more common 20% hit)
Startup: Slow
Duration: Medium
Recovery: Slow
Reach: Long
Flight Path: Regular
Description: DK will pull his right arm back and swing it forward in a big swat and releases a loud growl. Whoever gets hit will lose a few teeth (I'm just making that up) and will fly far far away.
My Opinion: This is a smash suited to DK. It's long range, very powerful and very slow. There's a huge lag time between the startup and the actual hit, and the recovery isn't much better. Use this move only if someone is not paying attention, has no way to dodge it or if you have great timing. The pay off is pretty good, but the risk of missing and getting hit is also pretty high.
Rating: 3.5 out of 5. It's very powerful, but a little too slow.

Spinning Kick

Buttons: Smash down + A while on the ground
Damage: 19%
KKT score: 86% sideway, 84% for star finish
Startup: Medium
Duration: Long
Recovery: Medium Long
Reach: Medium
Flight Path: Steep diagonal
Description: DK growls and sits on the ground, does his best impression of a split and spins to his left quickly. He spins once around and rolls backwards to get back on his feet. Anyone hit by the feet will be launched at a steep angle.
My Opinion: I don't believe it. DK can actually breakdance too?! This move is pretty powerful and does lots of damage. One thing that could be improved on this move is the launch angle. If it had a regular flight path, then this move would get a lot more KOs. The way it is right now makes it hard to kill heavy characters. Even though it has its shortcomings, DK's attempt at breakdancing is still a pretty good down smash
Rating: 4.5 out of 5

Overhead Clap

Buttons: Smash up + A while on the ground
Damage: 21%
KKT score: star finish at 58%
Startup: Slow
Duration: Medium short
Recovery: Slow
Reach: Long vertically, but this move can't hit anybody besides DK unless it's another DK that's near
Flight Path: Straight up
Description: DK turns to his right and claps above his head while releasing a growl. The whole screen shakes to the power of the clap (I'm not making this up).
My Opinion: This is the most powerful up smash in the game. The KO rate for this move (number of hits compared to number of KOs) is very high. However, most people have a lot of trouble hitting with this move, because it starts slow and the hit zone is a bit above DK, so it's much harder to time correctly. Usually when someone comes with their stomp move and drill, DK should not use this move to counter unless you are feeling lucky. The easiest way to hit someone with this is when someone is standing on a platform just above DK. DK's long reach can go through the platform and hit the person on it. When this move connects, it will send opponents sky high, but if it doesn't, DK will probably get hit, so use with caution.
Rating: 3.5 out of 5. Extremely powerful but hard to time.

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Carrying Throw

Buttons: Grab (press R or Z + A) while on the ground, then push stick forward, press A, press R, or wait for a few seconds. After carrying the victim on the back, DK can move and has only one jump. Press R or A to throw the person on DK's back.
Damage: 8% for flipping someone on to DK's back, + 8% for the throw.
KKT score: 142%
Startup: Fast
Duration: Depends
Recovery: Fast
Reach (of DK's grab): Short
Flight Path: Regular
Description: DK grabs the opponent and flips the victim on to his back and holds him/her there. DK then can walk around with the person on his back until the person struggles free or DK throws them using both arms.
My Opinion: This throw has a special function, and that is to carry opponents. A lot of people (mostly newbies to DK) grab people and jump off the stage in an effort to kamikaze. Good DK players never do that in real battle. Besides, it's not difficult to get out of DK's grip. A person just have to mash buttons to get out. I have to admit that carrying opponents around is fun but this isn't a very useful function. The throw itself is weak compared to other forward throws since the throw part only does 8% damage. Not a great offensive move, but you can use it for fun.
Rating: 3.5 out of 5

Over the Back Throw

Buttons: Grab (press R or Z+A) while on the ground, then push stick backward
Damage: 18%
KKT score: 65%
Startup: Fast
Duration: Short
Recovery: Fast
Reach (of DK's grab): Short
Flight Path: Regular
Description: DK grabs a victim then turns left and throws the victim over his shoulders with great force.
My Opinion: Probably my favourite throw in the game. This throw is fast and very powerful. It is one of the most powerful throws in the game. This move is a lot faster than DK's smashes and is no less powerful. DK gets a lot of kills with this throw and it is one of his best offensive weapon.
Rating: 5 out of 5

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Spinning Punch

Buttons: A or R while in the air
Damage: 15%
KKT score: 106%
Startup: Fast
Duration: Medium
Recovery: Slow
Reach: Medium
Flight Path: Regular
Description: DK spreads his arm out and spins once to left in mid air. His fists will cause damage to any hostiles nearby.
My Opinion: This looks like a shortened version of the Spinning Kong, but it is a bit more powerful. It's not a great move but it's one of DK's better air moves. This is DK's only choice when there are enemies front and back or if DK wants to knock someone in front of him away. The power of this move is close to most other neutral air attacks.
Rating: 3.5 out of 5. Not a great move but it has its uses.


Buttons: A or R + push stick forward in the air
Damage: 16%
KKT score: Star finish at 151% for steep diagonal upward path. Really hard to get a normal flight path with this move.
Startup: Medium Fast
Duration: Medium
Recovery: Medium
Reach: Medium
Flight Path: Steep diagonal downward or rarely normal flight path, or steep diagonal upward if the victim is on the ground.
Description: DK extends his arms out clenches both hands together to form a big fist. He then somersaults forward with his arms in this position. Most people hit by this will be sent downward but if they are very close to DK ('s armpits), they will probably fly out normally.
My Opinion: This is DK's main send down move. It differs from most other send downs in that it doesn't spike people straight down. Rather, the tomohawk sends people down in a diagonal angle, which means people who are above over the stage can still be sent down into the abyss. HAHAHAHA! I love sending people down with this move. The diagonal launch angle helps because DK's not a great jumper, so with this angle, DK doesn't have to jump out far to spike. It's better than the down A stomp because this move loses less altitude and has the diagonal spike angle.
Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Backward Kick

Buttons: A or R + push stick backwards in the air
Damage: 15%
KKT score: 101%
Startup: Medium Fast
Duration: Long
Recovery: Long
Reach: Long
Flight Path: Regular
Description: DK faces to his left and extends both feet backwards to kick anyone behind him. He holds his arms up in a weird positsion when he does this.
My Opinion: This move is another one of DK's so-so air moves. It isn't absolutely useless, but it's kinda crappy. The kick is weak compared to most other back kicks and the recovery is too long, so DK might accidentally fall off an edge and self destruct when he uses this move. It's not like DK has much choice in this though. You still need to use this move when situation arises, but watch it when you use it near the edge.
Rating: 3.5 out of 5

Aerial Overhead Hand Swat

Buttons: A or R + push stick upwards in the air
Damage: 12%
KKT score: Star finish at 159%
Startup: Medium
Duration: Medium Long
Recovery: Medium
Reach: Long
Flight Path: Steep diagonal
Description: This looks exactly like the strong attack of the same name, except DK is in the air. DK swings his left arm in an arch and swats any thing in front, above and a bit behind him.
My Opinion: Other than the obvious difference that this move is in the air while the strong attack is on the ground, there's some other differences between the two swats. The aerial swat does 1% less damage, and that, people, translates into a move much weaker than the ground counterpart. I don't know what the designers did, but this move is very weak. It's pretty sad that it needs 159% damage to kill Kirby, who is light as a balloon. Well, he is a balloon. Anyways, this move is not going to get DK KOs any times soon but it is useful for getting hits on people because of its long reach.
Rating: 3 out of 5


Buttons: A or R + push stick downwards in air
Damage: 13%
KKT score: star finish at 193% if victim is on the ground. This move is capable of spiking
Startup: Medium
Duration: Long
Recovery: Slow
Reach: Medium
Flight Path: Straight down or very close to straight down when opponent is in the air and straight up if opponent is on the ground.
Description: DK will pull his arms up and extends his leg down to step on anyone below him.
My Opinion: This move is bad. It's weak for a stomp move and it takes too long, which means if DK tries to spike someone with this, he'll lose enough altitude so that he won't be able to make it back on to the stage. If you want to spike with this, you have to be very careful. Try not to get too far from the stage and make sure DK has a lot of altitude if you want to attempt a send down with this move. It can be used to set up an overhead hand swat or a clap, but most of the time the combo won't connect.
Rating: 2.5 ouf of 5

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Giant Punch

Buttons: Press B and DK will charge. Press B to release the punch. Press Z, left or right to stop the charge while on the ground. Press Z to stop charging while in the air. After charge stops, press B to continue charging or release the punch if charge is already full.
Damage: 36% for full charge
KKT score: 19%
Startup: Medium Slow
Duration: Medium Long
Recovery: Slow
Reach: Long
Flight Path: Regular
Description: DK will wind-up his right arm to charge for the punch. A full charge takes about 3 seconds and DK will stop charging, and his right fist will sparkle. Press B again will make DK release a devastating punch that will KO any enemies within reach at absurdly low damages.
My Opinion: This is the single most powerful hit a character can do in the game of Smash Brothers, if you rule out reflected projectiles. A fully charged punch will probably kill at a damage below 50%. This move also last longer than most people realize. As long as DK's arm is still extended forward, the punch can still do damage. Of course, the startup and especially the recovery time is very slow, so timing is a must in order to land this punch. The easiest way to land the giant punch is when nobody is paying attention to DK. This works best in free for alls where DK can charge up and then jump in to punch unsuspecting people. The giant punch is also probably DK's best edge guard other than his spike move. The punch has a lot of priority and comes out faster than the big swat. To become a good DK player, one must learn to master the giant punch. It is an awesome feeling and sight if you kill all of your opponents in one punch. (I've done it before)
Rating: 4.5 out of 5. It maybe slow and cumbersome, but the power can not be matched. If you use it properly than it's a very good KO move

Spinning Kong

Buttons: Push stick up + B. You can use the stick to control whether DK spins left of right.
Damage: 12%. This is not a mistake. The initial hit does cause 12% damage.
KKT score: none, power is constant
Startup: Fast
Duration: Long
Recovery: Slow
Reach: Long
Flight Path: Normal
Description: DK will spread his arms out and spin like a helicoptor blade. If done on the ground, DK will stay on the ground. If this move is done in the air, DK will gain some vertical distance. DK can move left and right during the move. DK can't do anything else until he lands on the ground or gets hit by something.
My Opinion: This move is not bad as a recovery move. It doesn't get much vertical but DK gets significant horizontal distance out of the move. The fists of DK also have a lot of priority and will cancel and go through most edge guarding moves. This move is great in single players where it will take care of those team enemies in one hit, but it's not much of an offensive attack in multiplayer.
Rating: 3.5 out of 5

Hand Slap

Buttons: Push stick down + B
Damage: 10%
KKT score: none, power is constant
Startup: Medium fast
Duration: Medium
Recovery: Fast
Reach: Medium
Flight Path: Straight up
Description: This is one of DK's abilities in DK Country. He uses it to get bananas out of trees. In Smash, DK uses this move to send people upwards. DK slaps the ground with his palms during the move. The whole screen shakes as he does this. Anyone near him on the ground will get hit and sent flying upwards. DK has to be on the ground when he does this. His victims also have to be the ground to get hit, but they don't necessarily have to be on the same piece of ground that DK is on. For example, a DK below a DK doing the hand slap on a platform just above will get hit by the hand slap.
My Opinion: This move is a decent clear out move if used correctly, and can be quite devastating on certain stages where there is a part with a solid ceiling. In there, DK can trap enemies in an infinte combo with the hand slap by bouncing them up and down betweent he floor and the ceiling. It's also useful for getting rid or the teams in the single player mode.
Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

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